www.myspace.com/mpcdrumma email: mpcdrumma@yahoo.com showing you guys the workins of another beat..and of course giving ya some words to the product dont forget to subscribe
Video Rating: 4 / 5
www.myspace.com/mpcdrumma email: mpcdrumma@yahoo.com showing you guys the workins of another beat..and of course giving ya some words to the product dont forget to subscribe
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I like it!
thankyou man greatly appreciate the love thanks
i like your style dudeeeeeeeee!
really really nice, keep it up!
like the spit, nice track too bro
u sounds like lupe fiasco.. great work 🙂
Real ish squad…….nice!!!!!!!!
whats good elemence, hey i got son vids up finally no cam yet though just of me playing a beats with pics of the equip i use in the background so feel free to check me out.
also check my beat tape intro vid in the description there is a link to my latest beat tape. free dowload of course.
peace ur bro on da beats noglesby1
i like the shit u spit near the end.. keep it
your music is fire
dope.. chek my beats bro
dem horns is fire keep doing u
in response to a comment u left on my video a month ago asking about me having an album or songs recorded. I’m actually in the works of recording a small little project. I will keep u updated if u like on when the product is done and where to get it. I have a question would you prefer to pay like a dollar for my music or just get it for free. Its just a poll i am having my ownpersonal little poll. anyway thanks for watching my vids and keep in touch and keep looking out for more videos and music
hey, really dope beat and i like ur style to rap, keep going boy!
is there any “album” i can download or do u have more good recorded tracks?
Lol. good looks man..
yo boy ripped it!
haha good shit mane.
Lol ha..ur funny..the line is “america For the FIRST TIME meet the new me”.. meaning its the first time u ever saw me and its a new me a new face..Lol thanks for watching man..keep in tune more vids coming soon..
Meet The New You? ive never heard of u. lol…..jk man…..u got some potential. stay up
Nice!!!!!!!!!! You got mad potential! Keep doing ya thang!
At first i thought it was boring. (like ok dude, I dont have that expensive shit like you) But yo, you made me smile man. You can damn sure better then lil jon. LIl jon sound like a winer.
this is good. nice job.
thanx a lot man.
amazing spittin boy!
dope shit man that was a dope free too